Discover How the Frog Street Curriculum Will Prepare Your Child for School

Our trained team can care for your little one year-round in Temple, TX

Many kids start school with some of the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Doesn't your child deserve a leg up on the first day of school? The team at A New Day Learning Academy thinks so. That's why we opened this full-time children's school in Temple, TX in 2017.

Our team uses the Frog Street curriculum, which involves age-appropriate hands-on activities that fit different themes. Your child will learn how to...

  • Serve and eat their own dinner
  • Express themselves through art or storytelling
  • Speak politely and wait their turn to talk during morning and afternoon circle time

We're accepting new students between 6 weeks and 5 years old. Call 254-727-4028 now for enrollment information.

Your child's safety is our #1 priority

Your child's safety is our #1 priority

Although the Frog Street curriculum doesn't specifically address current events, our team is prepared to teach Temple, TX area kids how to prevent the spread of germs through hand-washing and social distancing.

Contact us today to learn about additional safety precautions our full-time children's school is taking.